HD 20794 d, approximately six times the mass of Earth, orbits a Sun-like star that is slightly dimmer than our Sun
A team of scientists from the University of Geneva has confirmed the discovery of HD 20794 d, a super-Earth located in the habitable zone of a star just 20 light years away, Kazinform News Agency reports.
Detailed in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, this finding presents new possibilities in the search for planets with conditions that could support life.
“We analyzed RV datasets spanning more than 20 years,” researchers said, adding that “We have determined the presence of a system of three planets orbiting the solar-type star HD 20794. This star is bright (V=4.34 mag) and close (d = 6.04 pc), and HD 20794 d resides in the stellar habitable zone, making this system a high-priority target for future atmospheric characterization with direct imaging facilities.”
HD 20794 d, approximately six times the mass of Earth, orbits a Sun-like star that is slightly dimmer than our Sun. Its elliptical orbit places it within the star’s habitable zone, a region where liquid water, which is a key ingredient for life, could exist. However, its elongated path causes temperature fluctuations, with the planet periodically moving between hotter and colder regions.
Dr. Michael CRETIGNIER of Oxford University, who first detected the planet in 2022 using data from the HARPS spectrograph, explained the significance of this discovery: “While my job mainly consists of finding these unknown worlds, I’m now very enthusiastic to hear what other scientists can tell us about this newly discovered planet, particularly since it is among the closest Earth-analogues we know about and given its peculiar orbit.”
He also highlighted the implications for future research: “With its location in a habitable zone and relatively close proximity to Earth, this planet could play a pivotal role in future missions that will characterise the atmospheres of exoplanets to search for biosignatures indicating potential life.”
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