The ICONS-2024 International Conference will be held in Vienna from 20 to 24 May under the joint chairmanship of Kazakhstan and Australia
Building on the achievements of the previous ICONS-2020, the upcoming conference will provide a platform to showcase the significant achievements of IAEA Member States in nuclear safety and security. The positive momentum in the universalization of the Agency's legally binding and non-binding instruments in the field of nuclear safety and security indicates an increased commitment by States to strengthen the control of nuclear and other radioactive materials.
It is also symbolic that it is a great privilege to chair this authoritative forum in the year of the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's membership of the IAEA. Kazakhstan has earned an impeccable status as a key member of the Agency, is recognized as a world leader in uranium production, has extensive experience in ensuring the safety and security of nuclear facilities, and has hosted a unique facility on its territory - the IAEA Low Enriched Uranium Bank.
Kazakhstan and Australia have an important task ahead of them - to lead the negotiation process to develop the final document of the conference - the ICONS-2024 Ministerial Declaration – which is intended to become a roadmap for further promoting the peaceful use of nuclear energy, strengthening the physical security of nuclear facilities and ensuring effective exchange of experience and knowledge through international cooperation.