Kazakhstan marks 30 years of its national symbols

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Суббота, 04 Июн 2022, 15:30

On June 4, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of National Symbols

For every nation, its national symbols do not carry only a symbolic significance but are also an important instrument in communicating and conveying its history and culture. On June 4, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of National Symbols, and this year it is also 30 years since the nation adopted them. What it means for the nation and its people is in the latest article of Kazinform.

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Imagine hearing a national anthem or seeing a national flag, does it provoke warm feelings of belonging and home? Most people would say yes, and this explains the importance of national symbols in nation-build as they evoke emotional attachment and feeling of belonging to something outside their immediate family.

Kazakhstan has celebrated the Day of National Symbols since June 2007 to cultivate the formation of national identity among people. Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev repeatedly spoke about the importance of state symbols and their link with the concept of sovereignty – particularly relevant after a local music band was subject to a big public criticism when they threw the flag while performing on stage.

"Today in social networks there is a broad discussion about respect for our national flag. Unfortunately, there are negative incidents related to this symbol of our country. We need to reconsider the rules for the use of the national flag. If necessary, amendments should be made to the relevant laws. Folk wisdom says, ‘raise your flag above your native land.’ We have always carried our flag high," said Tokayev at the 75th anniversary meeting of the National Academy of Sciences on June 1 in Almaty.

He quoted the words of prominent Kazakh scientist Kanysh Satbayev, who said that "those who cannot take pride in their homeland are unlikely to glorify another country."

The three national symbols - the flag, the national emblem, and the national anthem – are not just a static representation of some ideals, but reflect the very deep essence of Kazakhstan’s independence, history, and development uniting diverse groups living in Kazakhstan.

The government has a plan to celebrate the 30 years of national symbols. It includes over 180 events that have been implemented since March 11.

"One of the particularly important events in our history is the establishment of the Day of State Symbols. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the state symbols of the country. Today we have an anthem and emblem, symbolizing the historic way of our people, the life of our country, and the traditions, and customs of our nation. We have a sky-blue flag. The main purpose of popularizing state symbols is to promote the idea of Kazakhstan’s patriotism, to form a sense of pride among citizens for the socio-economic achievements of the country and foster respect for the symbols of independence in the younger generation," said Kazakhstan’s Vice-Minister of Culture and Sports Nurgisa Daueshov at a press briefing in the Central Communications Service on June 2.

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The study of heraldic symbols is the focus of the ministry’s Center for Heraldic Studies established on March 31, 2021. The center’s goal is to research, study and convey the nation’s history to the younger generation.

The book called «Kazakh Heraldry» will be presented on June 4 in Nur-Sultan as part of the festive events to mark the occasion.

"We plan a series of books titled Kazakh Heraldry. In the future, we will divide it into different directions - religious heraldry, and military heraldry. Every Kazakh clan, tribe, khanate, and the whole state used symbols. We want these symbols to talk and tell history," said center’s director Asylbek Bayajuma at the press briefing.

State flag

The national flag of Kazakhstan comes in a rectangular form, has a blue color, and depicts the sun with rays in the center and an eagle. On vertical sides, the flag has the national ornament.

The author of the national flag is an honored artist of Kazakhstan Shaken Niyazbekov.

Each color has its own meaning. The blue color has a deep symbolic meaning in the Turkic culture that worshipped the sky as their God. On the flag, blue color reflects the pure sky, peace, and prosperity.

"According to the heraldic principles the sun symbolizes wealth and abundance, life and energy. That is why the sun rays on the flag have the form of grain, a symbol of wealth and welfare. By representing the sun at its state attributes Kazakhstan reaffirms its commitment to universal values, which also indicates that the new young country is full of life-affirming energy and is open to all countries for cooperation," explains the Akorda website.

State emblem

Kazakhstan’s national emblem was authored by well-known architects Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shota Valikhanov.

For a person who sees the national emblem for the first time, it might seem there are many items on it. But all are interconnected. For example, there is shanyrak, which is translated as home in Kazakh, on a blue background. Shanyrak has a special meaning in the Kazakh culture reflecting the warmth of Kazakh households.

The importance of shanyrak takes its roots in the country’s nomadic past, where it served as the top of yurt, a mobile house for nomads. Shanyrak has also so-called uyks, diverging in all directions reminding sunlight.

"The image of shanyrak on the state emblem is a symbol of common home and common homeland of all people living in Kazakhstan. The stable development of Kazakhstan depends on the welfare of each citizen just like the strength and stability of shanyrak depends on the reliability of all its uyks," said the Akorda website.

On the right and left of shanyrak, there are images of mythical winged horses and a three-dimensional five-pointed star in the upper part that demonstrates the «constant aspiration of people to the light of truth and the pursuit of the sublime and eternal matter.» In the lower part, there is the inscription of the country’s name – Qazaqstan. All images are in gold color as well. State anthem.

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The history of Kazakhstan’s national anthem is interesting, as the country had two national anthems since it became independent in 1991. The first anthem was adopted in 1992.

Though the competition was announced in 1992 for the new anthem, the country’s leadership decided to retain the anthem that it had when it was part of the Soviet Union.

The music was composed by Mukan Tolebayev, Yevgeny Brusilovsky and Latif Hamidi. In 1992, new lyrics were adopted but with the same melody.

It was not until January 6, 2006, that the country’s Parliament endorsed the new anthem based on the Menin Qazaqstanym (My Kazakhstan) song. It was first performed on January 11, 2006, during the inauguration of First President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Well-known Kazakh musician Shamshi Kaldayakov composed the music, whereas the lyrics were written by Zhumeken Nazhimedenov and modified by Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Photo: egemen.kz.

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